Anthony Constantinou
10 comments By Anthony Constantinou
There isn't this constant chopping and switching where we'll advertise Clover one week, Utterly Butterly the next, and then I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, leading to this enormous range of items, but only what's on promotion sells. We now have a limited selection, and everything sells.
When society become smoke free we will feel like heaven
This data shows the reality "Nearly a fifth (17%) report they didn’t get to celebrate the winter holidays the way they wanted to in 2020 and plan on making up for it this year. More than one-third (35%) of people readily confessed to generally eating and drinking more during the holidays than any other time of the year."
In the time of Pandemic, everything is impacting people, no matter what type of industry you are talking about. Food and drink has affected a lot in COVID-19 and now the Brexit is there to more it more brutal.
Thanks for sharing it. Face covering is essential today, if we have to protect ourselves and society.
Every celebration is exciting until it doesn't hurt anyone. This is quite informative article. Thanks for sharing.
I agree that it will be difficult for retailers to apply for the scheme as their stores are occupied with the beginning of pandemic
COVID-19 increases the necessity of many things in the retail as well as whole store. Market will be more lucrative at the end of this era.
Amazing. To be healthy, we need to add healthy products in our diet. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing it
Commented on: 4 August 2023
Why I’m switching to Morrisons Daily after 20 years with Nisa