Chris Nuttall


5 comments By Chris Nuttall

  • It was not the delivery service from P&H that was to blame.........look forward to the retractions from everyone blaming P&H for everything! I as a multi site retailer have constantly maintained it must have been the forecasting and information coming from Costcutter that was causing the issue and finally Mr Cheema confirms my thoughts!

  • On the face of it there does seem to be a lot of very negative people on here that are doing it 'for the sake of it' and therefore come across as 'NISA' plants...that's certainly the impression I'm getting.

    The way I see it is very simple....CC relied on NISA far too much and didn't have the correct info on what their members were buying....NISA did!

    NISA quite rightly didn't play ball when giving forecast info over and of course why should they?

    CC quite clearly got their forecasting to P&H wrong and service my experience they are improving as are the promotional,offerings - work still needs to be done but I'm surprised so many 'experienced and knowledgable' retailers that post on here can't see the cause of all the issues originally.

    There you go now of course because I'm not being negative I'll be a plant as well eh?

  • I've seen the opportunity and again it's another symbol taking over your business.....40% growth in sales eh? What's the margin though? Seems to me it's more of a bargain booze offer where you need to sell £30k a week to make a profit!

  • The real question here is who is in charge of forecasting our sales as Costcutter members, surely if Costcutter supply P&H with the correct forecasting information then this whole problem is down to the wheels of the operation.......why is nobody asking this fundamental question? It seems my Costcutter rep takes the easy way out nowadays by blaming the wheels but i think there is more fault laying at costcutters door than they are letting on

  • Naomi, I'm a Costcutter retailer and received my Xmas Brochure yesterday from my Costcutter account manager who apologised for the delay! Having read these comments it seems as though all the blame lies at the door of p&h, forgive me if I'm wrong but aren't Costcutter managing their own promotions inc Xmas and advising p&h of how much stock us Costcutter stores will require? If our account managers can't tell the wheels that deliver the goods how much stock we will need how can we expect them to have it in stock? Seems this one way street of blame lies at the door of the organ grinder not the monkey!