All Dear Jac articles – Page 66
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: Here’s a little tip when you issue invoices
Ken Batty, mentioned in my previous story, also passes on a tip about small claims courts which again were featured in our August 22 issue in regard to unpaid newspaper bills.
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: Here was a date that should have gone in a diary
You need to keep a close eye on those leasing contracts. It can be very easy for them to silently slide by their renewal date.
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: How do you manage your news – push button or push pencil?
Budhu Mal, who runs Gamlingay One Stop in the village of Gamlingay on the border of Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire, wondered if I knew of a software package that he could use to manage his newspapers and magazines.
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: Where can he buy shedloads all at once?
Here’s a query I couldn’t find the answer to. Marek Hussein, thought he had read in Convenience Store about a company offering to supply household cleaning products by the pallet load.
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: A sore point about the competition
I had what I regarded as an odd complaint about Booker Cash and Carry. Alvin Wilkinson, who runs Countdown in Hornsea, near Bridlington in East Yorkshire, shops at Booker and stocks its Happy Shopper brand.
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: Just give us the tools and we’ll deliver the goods
This is being written the day after the last bank holiday until Christmas. Patterns always become strange during bank holidays and none more so than that fag-end of summer one. How was it for you?
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: They do say nothing ventured, nothing gained
Many retailers will have been contacted by a new outfit called Channelcom, which is billing itself as the UK’s first advertising management company. Channelcom has been conducting what director Robin Gadsby described to me as a ‘stealth recruitment campaign’, which means the company has written to thousands of retailers to sign them up. The official launch will come later.
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: Urban myths: you know they’re not really true!
Superstitions abound on the internet… send this email to five more people and you will have something wondrous happen to you (beauty, riches, fame) in the next five minutes… delete it and your left arm (or something worse) will drop off. Why?
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: Full marks for perseverance in a training plan
Lesley Brown from Frankmarsh Stores in Devon is keen to hone up her staffs’ skills and went surfing on the website to see what tools were available.
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: Over the counter? Not in this case
I don’t usually do small ads; however, this one is different. Brian Keirl, from a forecourt store, Hazlegrove Services near Yeovil in Somerset, has emailed the following:
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: Footfall – how exactly does it add up?
My anonymous (by request) retailer runs a small CTN in a seaside town, and is a former PayPoint agent. “We had PayPoint for many years and were disillusioned that the bank’s cash handling fee was larger than the commission earned on utility bills and the like, effectively meaning...
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: A recurring refrain – please make it stop
A recurring refrain – please make it stop
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: Scam and the city – for once the feds are for real
Scam and the city – for once the feds are for real
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: How about a surcharge on low profit services?
How about a surcharge on low profit services?