Well, either you were all too busy handling same in the run-up to Christmas, or didn’t want to share. I did hear from retailers still wanting to know if they should offer this relatively new service.

First of all, I should point out that the parcel handling scheme most covered in this magazine is Collect+, but that is only available to retailers who have PayPoint.

This has stymied the chances of Ratalil Sharma, for example, who trades under the Londis fascia in the village of Small Dole, near Brighton, East Sussex. He tried to get PayPoint, but was told he wouldn’t reach the minimum transaction level. I pointed him at MyHermes (which did attract moans from one retailer, but praise from others) and also at UPS, which is looking for a broad array of locations including news-agents, grocers and c-stores. Just go online and fill out an application form.

‘Ram’, who trades in Gray’s Inn Road, near Kings Cross in London, thinks he might try it out, too. People are asking for the service.

There are going to be increasing opportunities here as more companies spring up.