All Disputes articles – Page 9
Dear Jac
At least when you retire you have time to seek justice
This ex-retailer is taking it right to the top…
Dear Jac
Sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns
If you don’t, you might get badly gored – in the wallet…
Dear Jac
Nearly a month with a lottery terminal down is too long
It hit not just lottery sales but the rest of the store too…
Dear Jac
Enough is enough. It has been years of poor service
But you cannot go elsewhere for supplies…
Dear Jac
It was the lack of communication that rankled
Leave a message. We’ll get back to you. Or not…
Dear Jac
When you leave a group because of poor service levels...
…you don’t expect to get a bill for £18,800…
Dear Jac
What was needed was extra support during this most difficult time
Instead the supplier-customer relationship got very strained…
Dear Jac
This is a fine example of staff being a best asset
She got the bit between her teeth and ran with it…
Dear Jac
Dazed and amazed
I got an email from Susan Lee asking: “I was wondering if you could help me with an issue with BT?”…
Dear Jac
This retailer's case didn't look good at first sight
…but a compromise with Camelot was reached in the end
Dear Jac
Far from first-class service at the crucial time
Support from the Post Office wasn’t there when it was needed.
Dear Jac
Here's a warning about outrageous penalties
It’s a rubbish situation to find yourself caught up in
Dear Jac
Machine foul-ups are a very sore point for every retailer
Who hasn’t had the frustration of a queue and a ticket screw up?…
Dear Jac
Here's the latest episode in the fortnightly Smiths News saga
This instalment focuses on the Stockport depot and Newcastle call centre…
Dear Jac
Here's an update on the latest in the PO Horizon case
The press release headed Group Litigation versus Post Office Ltd came in too late to run last issue.
Dear Jac
Crossed wires
For the Gill family, switching electricity supply should have been a simple matter but it turned into a rather illuminatin…