Booker has reported 30% growth in Euroshopper own brand sales, alongside a 25% uplift in overall profit for the past financial year.

The wholesaler said offering value had been "key" throughout the past 12 months. In addition to providing value through Euroshopper, Booker introduced prepacked, pricemarked fruit and vegetables, which "have proved enormously successful", said retail sales director Steve Fox. It also lowered more than 850 prices through its Roll Back scheme.

Fox advised retailers to take advantage of economy brands, not only because of the consumer thirst for value, but because the multiple c-stores "don't do them".

Booker's sales to retailers grew by 4.6%, following growth of 5.3% the previous year. Online sales soared to £526m from £407m last year, and compared with £15m in 2005. The number of customers using has doubled in the past year to 105,000.

l Landmark Wholesale has also reported a rise in own brand sales up 14% year on year driven by tobacco products and energy drinks. The popularity of the group's own brand products looks set to increase, with sales up 31% in April compared with the previous year. Over the financial year, sales of No3 tobacco products and LSV Energy Drinks rose by 68% and 67% respectively.