Chupa Chups tubes and bites

Chupa Chups is extending its jellies range with Chupa Chups Sour Bites & Tubes.

Unveiled at GroceryAid Barcode festival 2024, the new  Sour Bites and Tubes are available in 120g PMPs, for £1.25, 130g bags and 30g singles.

To support the launch, Chupa Chups Sour Bites & Tubes will build on the success of the brand’s foray into gaming with an original Roblox world, Chupa Chups: Skate & Create. The game encourages players to skate and get creative, spreading street art inspired by the iconic flavours and colourways of Chupa Chups through a virtual city, building brand awareness by allowing players to express themselves through the brand. Influencer Skate and Create livestreams will highlight new Sour Bites and Tubes during game play, associating Chupa Chups’ new launch with the popular game world.

Brand manager at Chupa Chups Kim McMahon, said: “Following the buzz of Chupa Chups Belts and Laces earlier this year, we’re thrilled to grow our jellies offering with Sour Bites and Tubes. We pride ourselves in launching on-trend innovations, and this range taps into the rise in popularity of sour flavours, appealing to our adventurous young audience looking to experiment with new candy formats.

“Alongside our new Roblox game, we have a packed summer of activity planned to ensure our target audience has every opportunity to trial and hear about the new range, including mass sampling at popular teen attractions and locations across the UK, and advertising on TikTok and Snapchat.”