TVC Street Vibes Frame 3

Old El Paso burst onto laptops, phones and smart TVs across the country this week with its vibrant ‘Turn it Up’ campaign, designed to amplify the launch of the brand’s Street Vibes range via a bespoke channel mix built with younger, smaller households in mind.

Running until November, the campaign is backed by over £1.1m investment and is a bespoke plan to reach a younger audience, as Gen Z moves away from broadcast television. The campaign hinges on the idea that the buzz and vibrancy of Mexican street food restaurants offer a feast for the senses.

As smaller households are often a younger, pre-family shopper with a taste for adventurous flavours, Old El Paso’s new campaign taps into the opportunity to reach shoppers willing to try new things.

Out-of-home street food flavours are also increasingly infiltrating retail, and Street Vibes is one of Old El Paso’s biggest launches to date, putting street-style soft tacos on the menu in just 20 minutes – with a wide range of soft taco kits, delicious sauces and spice mixes.

Disruptive in-aisle activations will be live through the autumn, designed to invite new shoppers into Mexican meals and help retailers cater to a wider range of people. In addition, the brand will be executing a bumper couponing plan to get the product into as many hands as possible.
