Dawtona tomato

Polish food brand Dawtona has extended its UK range of ambient store cupboard ingredients with the launch of two new tomato-based products.

Dawtona Passata (690g RRP £1.50) and Dawtona chopped tomatoes (400g RRP 95p) are being supported by a launch promotion in-store and consumer engagement plans via social media to help build awareness and drive shoppers to the fixture.

“As the number one brand in Poland, these high-quality products from a well-known and trusted manufacturer offer retailers a great opportunity to bring something new and fresh to the market and capitalise on the growing popularity of international cuisines and vegetable-based home cooking,” saids Debbie King, retail sales & marketing director at Best of Poland Ltd. “Until now Dawtona has been best known for its range of authentic ingredients which help replicate the Polish meal experience at home, but we’re confident that these new products will appeal to world foods and mainstream customers while also attracting new shoppers.”
