Redmond Hanlon
Comments - Page 3
Mos should come to my shop.
I have Heineken and Budweiser which none of my customers buy, even at cost price.Why is it trendy to use white lettering on blue and black backgrounds?
If you want people to read stuff, make it easily readable.Bookers know who this is.
There is enough detail in the article.
Tesco can afford to arrange leeway for this shop.
It would be good PR."Footfall" is the giveaway word.
The Post Office is not alone in expecting shopkeepers to offer a loss-making service on the pretext that customers using it will also buy profitable products.
It used to be Video rental many years ago.
Nowadays it includes Camelot, and soon it will include Newspapers.I check stock for a handful of categories each week.
This might apply up to June 27th, but product availability now being so poor, we have no chance.
Four years without a result?
"Retail partners" is the most annoying phrase in this business.
Free plastic bags used to cost me a fortune.
I charged 5p from day one, and sent the whole proceeds to various charities.
Our usage plummeted.
Strangely, since I began charging 10p, our sales have increased by 30%.Our keypad cannot allow this unless you enter "customer not present" on the till.
Why does the FSA say the cereal should be stated under "gluten", when Environmental Health say just "gluten" is sufficient; and some products say just the cereal with mention of gluten?
As soon as a company says "footfall driver" it should ring alarm bells.
In days of yore, Video rentals were one of these.
Nowadays we have the Post Office, the National Lottery, and Parcels services, to mention three only.
They all occupy space and time for precious little reward.
Indeed, they can reduce footfall by generating crowds of uneconomic customers at the tills.She only mentions 39 SPMs, not the 555 nor the 736.
No comment from the NFSP?This is only the beginning of the end.
Good luck to the hundreds of others, maligned by a corrupt organisation, and also by an ineffective judicial system (with regard to IT evidence).
The NSFP are a disgrace, no better than POL itself.ATMs are a mug's game.
There are massive cost price differences throughout symbol groups, including Tesco/Budgens/Bookers/Londis.
Why?If someone is exempt from face covering rules they should be provided with evidence. That would not need to show the reason for their exemption.
Without evidence, shops are between a rock and a hard place.
We play it by ear, and try not to endanger staff.I don't know why anyone uses PayPoint.
We cannot enforce wearing of masks if anyone can claim exemption without evidence.
Symbol groups have lost the plot.
If they keep amalgamating, they should get rid of multiple names.
Tesco, Tesco this, Tesco that, Jacks, Bookers, Premier, Budgens, Londis....
I would not mind if they used their buying power and supplied a consistent range across their estate.
Commented on: 26 November 2021
Will there be a wine and spirit shortage this Christmas?