Redmond Hanlon
Comments - Page 5
To whom do they demand payments need to be made?
Corpspeak at its finest, for a dying product.
These results are disappointing for those who think the Post Office has a future, when you consider the idea behind its Network Transformation Programme.
Post Office Ltd admits that its offering to retailers that take on the service is generally not a profitable one. It is touted as the classic "footfall driver". In effect, the idea is to transfer the necessary subsidy from the taxpayers to the retailers who accept the relocated offices. In theory, this should make Post Office Ltd sufficiently profitable for it to be mutualised.
It appears that it is not yet on course to succeed.I cannot see the point in having a symbol group fascia if you do not stock "own label" products bearing the same symbol group name.
If Musgrave can do this, and go for simplification throughout their procedures, from websites, product catalogues, special offers, ordering formats, and communications, then they can make progress.
I hope they do.The ACS already has a diverse membership. Allowing BRC members to infiltrate it would serve only to further dilute the influence of genuinely independent retailers. The two organisations might as well go for a full merger.
Do none of us have friends, relatives and customers on NMW?
Employees on NMW are more likely to spend any increase than save it. Some of that spending could benefit convenience stores.
If the tax and NI thresholds were raised so that full time staff on NMW paid neither, and no employers NI were incurred, I would be in favour of a significant increase in the NMW.
In any case, the government should not be using us small retailers as unpaid tax collectors, welfare payers, pension providers, road sweepers, bin men and public health guardians.Whatever next?
"Village shopkeepers to take on GPs role"!As a footfall driver (with no standalone profit) the relocation of a Post Office Local into a successful convenience store (especially one that is part of a chain) will no doubt work for many.
However, for others it could spell disaster.
Put simply, the government want to shift the Post Office subsidy from their books into those of the independent sector. They are spending several years' worth of subsidy to pass the buck. At the same time, they are reducing the products and transaction fees available to Post Offices.
When they arrange for Post Office Ltd itself to be privatised (and perhaps mutualised) it remains to be seen if the result will be a sustainable business model.It is a pity that this range is not branded "Londis".
I think you will still be able to employ staff for 17 hours at the new minimum wage (effective in October) without incurring the obligation to pay SSP.
The four days does not include non-working days.If you have nine or fewer employees, then the HMRC Basic PAYE Tools RTI is free and simple and quick.
Auto-enrolment pensions are a different matter altogether.With the notable exception of pubs, business rates are supposed to be related to open market rental values.
Typically, business agents calculate potential rental values on the basis of the existing rateable value.
This is a Catch-22 position, which disregards business performance.
However, the fact that current business rates and rents for pubs are based on performance (actually, their 2008 turnover) should tell independent convenience store owners to beware of pleading for a sales tax.Our sales have perked up today, no doubt everyone is drowning their sorrows.
Also, one of our two local pubs is closed, thanks to Enterprise Inns.Sunday morning our sales were quite depressed, no doubt because England supporters were!
"The right products in the right place at the right price.....straightforward and simple".
It is only a question of which wholesaler will enable the retailer to do this most efficiently!I agree with Arjan. In addition, the money raised can go to good causes. It is ridiculous that we have given away 50,000 plastic carrier bags in the last twelve months.
The primary concern of any retailer should be to fill his or her shelves with the products that customers will buy.
The primary objective of any wholesaler should be to satisfy that concern for the maximum number of their retailer customers.
Any symbol group that does not have this as its core objective will lose out.
Just because a Minister for small business says the Sunday trading laws will not be changed does not mean "the government" will not do so.
Most of the UK population want the Sunday trading laws abolished; they will get their wish before or, more likely promised after next year's General Election.According to Imperial Tobacco, my shop is "no longer a retail outlet".
My £170k annual tobacco sales must be illicit.
The inefficiency of manufacturers, suppliers and wholesalers beggars belief nowadays.What happens when a Tesco Express opens next door to a One Stop franchisee?
Commented on: 17 April 2019
FSA urges vigilance as food hygiene rating scam circulates