Redmond Hanlon

Comments - Page 6

  • I think David Rees is absolutely correct in identifying the balance of control as crucial.
    Symbol groups have always wished that their retailers would conform to a standard model shop, but retailer profiles in "Convenience Store" demonstrate their wide variety.
    The success of a strict franchise model will depend on the proficiency of the symbol group, which will no doubt mean the demise of several.

  • To be fair to our wholesalers, much of the unnecessary complexity in our business originates in the product manufacturers.
    Just one example of many: why do canned beers and lagers come in 440ml, 500ml, and 568ml?
    Our wholesalers just compound these problems, by failing to focus on the basic requirement: tell retailers what you have, and at what price, in the simplest way possible, so we can fill our shelves with what our customers want.

    I think it is a pity that Sunder uses the phrase "business to the next level".
    It suggests a lack of independent thought, a bit parrot-like.

  • Who is Tim Ridge, truly?

  • If excellent independent shopkeepers begin to consider One Stop a better choice than Londis, it does not bode well for symbol groups.
    If One Stop, or any other franchise can relieve an "independent" retailer of some of the administrative workload and ordering headaches, I am sure this is the route many more will take.
    If this means cloned shops throughout the country, then perhaps that is what customers really want, or, more likely, deserve.

  • Basing business rates on energy usage would not deliver fairness to small retailers.
    Energy usage is a fixed cost unrelated to profitability.

  • I regret the Co-op is not only unethical but untruthful.
    There is no Co-op store in my postcode (EX19).

  • There is no point in allocating shelf space and putting out adverts for products that are only intermittently available.
    I appreciate that continuity of supply, especially from own label producers, is difficult to maintain, but without it we lose credibility with our customers.
    If Budgens have had 97.90% availability of SuperValu products for any length of time I will eat my Londis badge (in Pitta Bread).

  • News UK have not got a clue.
    They should give the Sun/Times contract back to the major wholesaler in each area, and save me extra carriage charges and paperwork.

  • This would only make sense if it were a mutual arrangement.
    If Londis shops gained access to Boots products, it would be acceptable.

    Commented on: 26 September 2012

    Musgrave's SuperValu range

    Stores hope to gain from Musgrave's Boots deal