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It's nice to see so many retailers having a voice and an opinion. If nothing else comes from this article but the related positive and negative comments are taken on by nisa and Costcutter surely that's a good thing. The most important people in the chain is the retailers without us neither have a business. For myself and my family we are now very happy with nisa excellent trusted heritage range and marketing and a well stocked shop and happy customers.
There are several sayings I could quote regards Costcutter 'if it sounds to good to be true' and 'you get what you pay for zero fees equals zero service and zero deliveries and zero sales and zero customers' for me it's a case of better the devil you know. Good luck Costcutter but I fear p & h are your achilles heal. Onwards and upwards for me and my family part of a mutual now and this time everything goes to a vote.....'rembember the power of a mutual and the failed londis sellout and failed bibby takeover'. I want to be the master of my own destiny.

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