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I think the nisa fees and rebates are quite easy to understand and would choose to disagree with Daljit and mr graves. Surely owning a shop and having some understanding of maths is a prerequisite to be being a successful retailer. The rebate structure is based upon loyalty and volume and I wholeheartedly agree with it. Why should a retailer that cherry picks and misses orders on a regular basis receive the same incentives to one that has regular weekly planned orders and adheres to new era etc. The 'one stop' model that Daljit talks about requires near on 95% loyalty and takes all entrepreneurial decisions away from the retailer. I would definately not want to be dictated by head office and would be completely demoralised and demotivated if I was continually told what to do and how to do it. Some retailers in this country have been running there businesses for generations and I would think there predecessors would be turimg in there grave if we were all signing up to the likes of 'one stop'. Maybe I could suggest to Daljit if he wants things 'simplified' to purchase a reasonably sized van and visit cash and carry everyday, things can't get any simpler than that.

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