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From my last post, around 4 weeks ago. The service and availability is shambles. Availability is guaranteed around 75%. No business can run on that availability, we are currently exhausting all our stock from Nisa. Cake range is appalling, fruit and vegetable range is shocking, bread shelf life is diabolical, and the quality of milk is to be desired for.

I have stop purchasing milk, bread and fruit and vegetables from P&H.

Bibby should use their experience in helping P&H in sorting out this mess.

P&H had over 1 year of data from Costcutter regarding range, supply and delivery instruction. It seems to me P&H have not recognised Costcutter as an important client. What is Costcutter emergency plan is get us out of this mess. They are just stating please be patience. Being patient does not pay my bills, they are driving my customers to go elsewhere, or we the retailer go and source our goods from elsewhere.

I hope they can rectify the current situation ASAP.

I have had more quarrels with Costcutter and P&H over the last 4 weeks, than I had in the last 15 years.

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