Imperial Tobacco is launching two new Montecristo Mini cigars in a specially selected area of Southern England from October 1.

Packed in embossed tins of 10, the quality cuban cigars are available in fuller flavour (red) and smooth (blue) variants.

Imperial Tobacco has identified an area in the South of England where sales of miniature cigars are going from strength to strength. Stretching from Cambridge in the north to Godalming in the south, Imperial Tobacco has christened this area as ‘The International Brand Zone’.

It has a high level of international diversity; and higher awareness and trial propensity of international brands. Red and Blue Montecristo Minis will be available in more than 8000 stores which fall within the zone.

Imperial Tobacco will distribute the two new Red and Blue Montecristo Mini cigar SKUs only. The traditional Montecristo mini cigars (yellow pack) which were launched in 2001, are sold through the distributor Hunters & Frankau, the appointed distributor for all handmade and machine made Cuban cigars in the UK.

Montecristo Minis Red and Blue have a highly competitive rrp of £4.38. Price-marked packs will also be available at £3.99, while stocks last.
