
Booker’s partnership with Fairtrade has helped raised £147,050 in Fairtrade Premium over the past 12 months.

The Fairtrade Premium is an extra sum of money, that allows Fairtrade farmers or workers to invest in projects of their choice to help reach their goals such as improving their farming and income, investing in health and education for their community or protecting the environment around them.

Through the scheme, Booker Fairtrade Tea supported 61,259 farmers, who have on average 43% of workers that are female.

One of the farmers that benifitted from the Faretrade premium, Rosine Bekoin said: “The Fairtrade Premium has enabled us to do many things, especially women. It has enabled us to advance our children, and also, we use the Fairtrade Premium to build for the future.”

Booker sustainability manager Catherine Marston added: “We are delighted to support Fairtrade. Despite the cost of living crisis, research shows that many consumers are still making thoughtful choices while shopping and choosing products that align with their values. It is great to see the positive impact we are having, and I’d like to thank our customers for their support.”