
A fundraiser has been launched to help restore Windsor Mini Mart in Southport after it was looted and severely damaged in a riot last night.

The family-run business, on the corner of Sussex Road and Windsor Road, has since been boarded up following the violent disorder.

southport store

Police said that the riot, believed to involve English Defence League supporters, broke out yesterday in Southport just hours after the community gathered for a peaceful vigil to remember the victims of Monday’s knife attack.

The people involved have set cars belonging to members of the public alight, thrown bricks at the local Mosque and damaged a local convenience store, police have said.

In response, Rose Tucker, business owner and neighbour to Windsor Mini Mart has launched a fundraiser with a £10,000 target to help bring the local store back to its feet.

On the GoFundMe page Tucker wrote: “I own a salon on Sussex Road and although, miraculously, the salon isn’t damaged, our neighbours over at Windsor Mini Mart were broken in to and looted, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage. Rioters broke through their safety glass and have torn their shop apart. They are a small, family run business with two young children”.

Commenting on last night’s events Assistant Chief Constable Alex Goss said: “This is no way to treat a community, least of all a community that is still reeling from the events of Monday.”