Post Office

Subpostmasters affected by the Post Office Horizon scandal are to have their convictions quashed.

The government approved the Post Office Horizon System Offences Bill on Thursday 23 May and the legislation now only requires Royal Assent.

First put forward in February, the bills provides for the quashing of convictions in England and Wales and Northern Ireland for certain offences alleged to have been committed while the Horizon system was in use by the Post Office as well as makes provision for the deletion of cautions given in relation to these offences in England and Wales or Northern Ireland.

Former CEO of the Post Office Paula Vennells has been giving evidence to the Horizon Inquiry and offered an apology to those affected by the situation.

The law is one of the last to be passed before the general election on 4 July as Parliament has been dissolved.

The general election announcement means that the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, which had recently passed the Second Reading stage, will not progress until after a new government is formed.