Lincolnshire Co-op store

The Lincolnshire Co-op has extended its partnership with in-store software provider, Retail Insight, in a bid to reduce its food waste even further.

The four-year extension sees an advanced version of the provider’s data driven Waste Trim tool, which utilises AI, introduced to improve stock levels, reduce overstock and ultimately reduce food waste. The partnership began in 2021, and last year alone the group reported a 90.8% sell-through rate, preventing a 2.1 million meals from waste and resulting in the prevention of 5,700 tonnes of CO2 emissions. Lincolnshire Co-op has already reduced food waste by 37% by offering mark downs on items nearing their expiry dates.

The new partnership with Retail Insight strengthens the group’s core purpose of looking after its local communities, which has also made recycling easier for its customers via revamped packaging of its products and compostable carrier bags.

Craig Adamson, head of food at Lincolnshire Co-op, commented: “The platform has been instrumental in our efforts to reduce food waste. We look forward to realising further benefits with the enhanced version of the Waste Trim tool.”