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Oxfordshire-based eco-friendly packaging supplier Polythene UK has introduced a new free mobile scheme designed to collect and recycle waste polythene. 

As a crucial part of packaging, the company explained that polythene often ends up as bulky waste destined for landfills or incineration. 

Instead of ending up in landfills, Polythene is 100% recyclable and can be repurposed into new products, thereby extending its lifecycle and contributing to environmental sustainability.

The new scheme aims to change this by collecting and recycling waste polythene and transforming it into new plastic wrapping.

But how does it work? The mobile scheme utilises a van equipped with an onboard compactor and travels to various locations, collecting waste polythene from businesses. The collected polythene is then compacted and bailed onboard the van, ready to be recycled and reused. 

“This process not only reduces waste but also promotes sustainability by turning waste polythene into new, useful products,” said Polythene UK.

Spar retailer Ian Lewis is one of the first participants in the scheme: “We have around six deliveries a week, producing an amazing and enormous amount of waste. This new polythene scheme is really attractive to us, and I think it’s going to benefit both us and the environment.“

James Woollard managing director of Polythene UK highlighted the significance of the initiative: ”As a waste product it’s just an inconvenience, but it’s 100% recyclable. It’s so recyclable, it’s untrue. So it’s very frustrating to know that 800,000 tons a year approximately is going to landfill or incineration.

“What we need is this stuff back, recycle it, back into the chain, back to me, back to the customer, back to me, back to the customer, back to me.”

For more information about the scheme, retailers can contact Polythene UK