
Throughout the summer, the Scotmid Co-operative is bringing the It’ll Cost You campaign - which highlights that buying alcohol for children could result in a fine or jail time - to stores across Glasgow.

Through its partnerships with Police Scotland, the Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership and Community Alcohol Partnerships, the retailer aims to serve a duty of care within the community by protecting children from the harms of underage drinking.

Throughout the school holidays, radio adverts will be played over the in-store radio, ensuring shoppers understand the legal implications of buying alcohol for under-18s. Scotmid is also displaying campaign graphics on digital screens, highlighting the consequences of these proxy alcohol purchases.

Ian Lovie, compliance manager at Scotmid said: “Our role is to make our customers understand the implication of purchasing alcohol for under-18s. The campaign is a great example of working together with local law enforcement to make the communities we serve safer.”

Superintendent Joanne McEwan, of Police Scotland, said: “This campaign showcases the benefits of key partners working together to inform the public of dangers associated with underage drinking, as well as the criminal consequences for supplying them with alcohol.”