Gordon MacDonald visit Feb 24

Gordon MacDonald, MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, visits Mark Murphy Foodservice

Scotland’s food and drink wholesalers, along with the Scottish Wholesale Association (SWA), have been acknowledged in the Scottish Parliament for their vital role in bolstering the Scottish economy and supporting communities across the country.

Several politicians from across the political spectrum united to commend the sector’s invaluable contributions to the food and drink sector, in their constituencies and the nation as a whole.

The Members’ Debate, led by Gordon MacDonald, MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, acknowledged the “often overlooked” role wholesalers play in the food and drink supply.

MacDonald highlighted the sector’s vital role in maintaining a smooth food and drink supply chain and supporting retail and hospitality businesses.

Representatives from all political parties echoed MacDonald’s sentiments. David Torrance, SNP MSP for Kirkcaldy, emphasised the vital role of wholesalers in Fife: “I take this moment to express my appreciation for the Scottish wholesaling sector and to highlight the success of wholesalers in my constituency”.

Meanwhile, Brian Whittle, Scottish Conservative MSP for South Scotland, described the sector as an “unseen” link between producers and retailers.

Scottish Labour’s Foysol Choudhury, MSP for Lothian, reiterated the sector’s resilience amid pandemic challenges and rising costs.

Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity, Jim Fairlie MSP also recognised wholesalers as “unsung recognised heroes” of Scotland’s food supply chain.

The debate stemmed from ongoing SWA collaboration with Mr MacDonald, who recently visited Mark Murphy Foodservice (part of Dole UK) which is based in his constituency. During his visit, he observed the operations first-hand and engaged with representatives from both SWA and Mark Murphy, discussing some of the challenges faced by the sector.

These insights were later raised by MacDonald and his colleagues in the Chamber, highlighting the need for further attention and support for the industry.

Colin Smith, SWA chief executive, expressed his gratitude, stating: “This debate and the vocal cross-party support that it has received underscores the significance of our sector, as well as demonstrating the powerful voice of the SWA in raising the profile of wholesale, and SWA’s standing within Parliament by securing the various wholesale assistance funds and grants over the past four years and our commitment to supporting Scotland’s economy and communities.

“It cements not just our commitment but that of our members to supporting Scotland’s economy and communities.”