One Stop Sky dive, Young Lives vs Cancer-Cheque

On 12 September, forty One Stop staff members from different departments and UK regions united to conquer their fears, skydiving from 10,000ft. One extra brave colleague, Chloe Chamberlain, store assistant from the Butts Road, Southampton store, took on a 15,000ft freefall - all in aid of charity.

Taking place in Sailsbury, the unforgettable experience raised £34,000 (and counting) for UK charity, Young Lives Vs Cancer, which has been a partner at One Stop since 2022. It supports young cancer patients and their families to receive the right necessary support throughout their cancer journey.

The charity expressed huge gratitude to the One Stop colleagues for taking part. Nilesh Patel, partnerships fundraiser, said: “A massive thank you to each and every one of these incredible skydivers. One or two colleagues from a charity partner jumping out of a plane is amazing, but 40 of them taking on this challenge is simply incredible. The fact they’ve raised £34,000 so far is brilliant.”

Due to an enormous amount of money raised and eager, ambitious participants, there has been enough demand to start organising a skydive for 2025. Graphic designer Amanda Merrick, said: “It’s amazing to be part of such a big group who are enthusiastic about raising money for such a great cause – this makes One Stop an even better place to work. Raising money and overcoming fears - what a way to multitask!”

Amanda Merrick and Ben Goode, digital marketing franchise manager at One Stop, documented the experiences, and you can check out their journey over on the Facebook and Instagam pages.