Fisherman’s Friend is gearing up for spike in consumer demand this summer with the launch of its ‘Restore in the Great Outdoors’ social media campaign.

With an estimated reach of 124,800, the brand is set to team up with leading outdoor influencers to incentivise followers to embrace the best of British Summertime - all while armoured with their trusted ally Fisherman’s Friend to help combat symptoms.

“Hay fever, triggered by pollen allergies, manifests in symptoms such as itchy eyes, nasal congestion, and sore throats. It’s imperative to acknowledge that almost 10 million people in the UK grapple with these symptoms annually,” said Jon R White, regional business manager for Fisherman’s Friend in the UK.

“As we enter the 2024 hay fever season, Allergy UK warns that rising temperatures are resulting in allergens emerging sooner and lingering for extended periods. And over the past three decades, hay fever cases have tripled, impacting one in four adults. With experts forecasting allergen persistence until January next year[1], this underscores a substantial market demand for effective relief products and presents a significant opportunity for retailers and pharmacists.”


