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Australian wine brand Hidden Sea has re-branded for the UK independent retail sector, as it seeks to open itself up to a wider consumer base.

From this month, bottles will feature black and white embossed paper labels instead of laser-printed designs.

The move hopes to enhance on-shelf standout and to “clearly communicate its premium proposition to consumers,” said the brand.

The new design places greater emphasis on the brand’s iconic whale motif, Hidden Sea’s purpose, and ocean-saving promise on the new-look label.

The whale on the bottle, which has been updated by leading design firm Denomination, represents a real fossilised whale discovered in a nearby vineyard in South Australia - an area that used to be covered by the Great Southern Ocean - directly connecting the brand to ocean health.

The wine brand is committed to its promise to “save the sea” by removing the equivilent of ten plastic bottles from the ocean for every bottle of wine sold.

Since launching, the brand and its partners have removed over 27m plastic bottles from the world’s oceans.

Justin Moran from Hidden Sea wine said: “Having invested heavily and performed extensive consumer research with a globally acclaimed partner, we are confident that we will see an uptick in sales in the off-trade as more drinkers connect the wines with our purpose and promise - to remove plastic from the ocean and save the sea.

“Our five UK skus - a Sauvignon Blanc, a Chardonnay, a Red Blend, Rosé and Shiraz - are all incredible examples of Limestone Coast wines; easy drinking, exceptional quality and great for any occasion.

“We hope that the new look bottles will create further stand out on shelf to appeal to a new generation of wine drinkers who actively seek out conscious, quality brands.”

Pete Fairclough from Kingsland Drinks added: “Hidden Sea is a true lifestyle brand that appeals to a younger, wider demographic of wine drinker in the UK. The re-design brings labels to shelf that are reassuringly credible while also being informative at the point of sale.”
