
Ginger beer brand Old Jamaica is saying goodbye.

It has launched a ‘Farewell Old Jamaica’ campaign, potentially making it the world’s first public ‘retirement of a brand’.

The campaign aims to celebrate the 34-year-old iconic ginger beer and its legacy before it bids an ‘au revoir’.

A supporting mix of social, digital and OOH advertising together with surprising creative stunts will “bring the curtain down on the brand in grand style”.

The announcement is also supported by OOH teaser activations running on buses with the words “FAREWELL OLD JAMAICA”.

The brand will then be embarking on a lengthy farewell tour in the form of a social media content series, including fun videos of the iconic Old Jamaica can putting in a guest appearance at concerts, football matches, convenience stores and bars.

As the curtain closes on the “nation’s favourite ginger beer”, and people accept that the brand’s goodbye is looming, Old Jamaica will end with a final CAN-down - a website featuring a real-time counter showing the number of Old Jamaica cans left in the market.

SAMY Alliance CCO Americas and campaign lead at Hernán Cerdeiro said: “How do you say goodbye to the country’s favourite ginger beer? By giving it the ultimate send off. The chance to “retire a brand” was something that we relished, simply because as far as we can work out, it had never been done before so publicly.

“We wanted to give Old Jamaica’s loyal customers one last chance to say goodbye, to take that final sip, and see the can ride off into the sunset. To be given that unique opportunity, by a brand that trusted us entirely, was one that we grabbed with both hands and allowed us to get really creative with the campaign.”