Plenty has improved its leading household towel products, Plenty The Original One and Plenty The Fat One.
The company identified that product strength was very important to household towel shoppers, ahead of significant investment in product development. The new improved products have already proven popular with increased purchase intent.
Plenty brand manager Holly Baron-Morgan said: “This is our biggest upgrade to our core product range to date so we are really excited about the launch. “Plenty is quite literally going from strength to strength. Additional strength ensures that Plenty is always fit for purpose and more versatile in use than ever before.”
Plenty The Original One and Plenty The Fat One boasts it’s new stronger claim on the front of packs with a new look design available now. The products will be supported by a marketing campaign planned throughout April. The products have also been supported by a new TV advertisement, featuring the brand’s popular mascot ‘Juan Sheet’ from April 18.
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