Jashbhai Patel, who was also known as Mr Moon, was found slumped on the shop floor early Sunday morning. He was rushed to Luton and Dunstable hospital where he passed away. A post mortem confirmed that he died of multiple stab wounds.
He and his wife ran Moon’s Newsagents on Park Street, Luton for 25 years. He is survived by his wife, son and daughter.
Bedfordshire Police have arrested a man, Richard Leslie Dettmer, in connection with the incident. Dettmer is being charged with murder and GBH. He will remain in custody until his next court appearance on 30 July.
Detective Chief Inspector Jon Humphries from the Major Crime Unit of Bedfordshire Police said that this was likely a robbery that resulted in the shopkeeper being stabbed and appealed for anybody with any information to get in touch.
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