Workforce and skills development charity People 1st has been granted new government funding to provide retailers with subsidised training for their female employees.
Awarded through the UK Commission for Employment and Skills’ EIF Women and Work fund, the extra money is designed to help more women reach management levels.
“While retailers face few problems attracting women into the industry - 58% of the UK’s retail workforce is female - research shows that men dominate management roles,” People 1st executive director Sharon Glancy said. “Women currently make up almost two-thirds (64%) of sales and retail assistants, but just 37% of retail managers and directors, which suggests that businesses are not making the most of their female talent,” she added.
The funding will enable women working in retail to take part in Women 1st’s Step Up management training programme at a discount, and enable People 1st to set up women’s mentoring networks for retailers at a subsidised price.
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