Navarra Retail Systems has launched a new low-level automated tobacco dispenser to better serve the needs of c-store retailers hoping to devote key back wall space to the vaping and spirits categories.

The new unit, which dispenses the correct tobacco products in seconds via a small chute, comes in two sizes: 1.45m which holds 69 outers, and 2.6m with double the capacity.

Both units are designed to fit underneath a store’s counter or beneath a vaping or spirits display.

Available to store owners on a lease purchase, Navarra estimates that most convenience retailers would typically achieve payback within a year.

“While sales of our traditional automated unit continue to climb, recent feedback from retailers revealed that many store owners were keen to implement under the counter solutions that would allow them to make more of their key back-wall selling space, to achieve even greater profits from key categories such as vaping,” Navarra’s sales director Hugh Walker told Convenience Store.

“As retailers’ gantry contracts with tobacco manufacturers come to an end, a growing number are now looking to invest in their own solutions which allow them far greater flexibility to make more of the vaping and spirits category,” he continued.

“While tobacco manufacturers do offer tobacco gantry solutions which feature vaping displays, these tend to be limited to their own vaping products which is not what retailers want. 

“Our solution frees up the space for them to offer a really broad range of products, while still safeguarding their tobacco sales.” 

The automated under the counter solution was also more secure and convenient than regular tobacco storage draws,” Walker added.

“Draws come with problems as staff are distracted when searching for brands, there is no stock security from theft, robbery or shrinkage and auditing and management is much hard to achieve.

“Our system speeds up selection, management and provides real security for this category which still accounts for around 25% of a convenience store’s turnover,” he concluded.