
A new study by the UK’s leading out of home media and infrastructure company, Clear Channel, has revealed that Gen Z - 18-24-year-olds - are more likely to notice ads at sporting events than older generations.

The study of 2,000 respondents, conducted via market researchers OnePoll, revealed that of all age groups, Gen Z says they’re most likely to purchase a product after repeated exposure to an ad during a sporting event, with 42% claiming they do so.

Product purchase intention during sporting events also leans towards FMCG products, the study shows, with alcohol (65%), snacks (58%), soft drinks (55%), barbecue food and drinks (50%) and chocolates/confectionery (50%) rounding out the top five categories.

The data highlights that younger generations have a profound tendency to become interested in brands and products they see advertised during sporting events, indicating it’s an effective medium for raising brand awareness.

The implications and opportunities for the convenience sector are clear - staying aware of what is advertised during big games – especially if your store demographic largely fits the Gen Z bracket – could be a shortcut to higher sales.

Other key findings from the study showed that 18-24-year-olds are more likely to purchase a product on the same day after seeing it advertised during a sporting event (15%) than if exposed to the same product through regular advertising (12%) – so timing is also key. If a major event is happening, and you can trace its sponsors, careful placement of such lines and promotion instore may well see increased purchase levels. Keeping an eye on the sporting calendar might just give you an edge.

The full report can be viewed here.