Copy of Shopworker attack

The retail industry has welcomed the announcement in the King’s Speech that legislation to make the assault of a retail worker a specific offence will move forward.

The legislation was in progress under the previous Government but was halted due to the General Election announcement. The proposed Bill includes the introduction of a separate offence for assaulting a retail worker, stronger measures to tackle low level shoplifting, and rebuilding neighbourhood policing  in communities.

Association of Convenience Stores chief executive James Lowman welcomed action on retail crime. “We strongly welcome the Government’s commitment to take action on the assaults of retail workers, which local shops have been calling for over many years. We are also encouraged by the specific reference to tackling shoplifting, which is the blight of so many communities and funds the activity of gangs, addicts and dangerous criminals.”

The Fed’s National President Mo Razzaq said: “We have campaigned long and hard for the government and police to get tougher on retail crime, so it is a relief that the Bill is back on the table.

“What we need now is real action to stem the overwhelming tide of crime against retailers and their staff. Everyone deserves to feel safe at work and for their businesses to be protected against criminals.”

In response to the announcement on the introduction of legislation to make assaulting a retail worker a standalone offence, Nisa managing director Peter Batt said: “It’s encouraging to see the introduction of a standalone offence for assaulting retail workers, especially after much campaigning from industry.

“However, it is crucial that independent retailers are included in these protections and are able to share in the additional police resourcing. The 2024 ACS Crime Report revealed 87% of colleagues in convenience stores, many of which are independently owned, faced verbal abuse, including around 76,000 violent incidents against retail staff. Independent shops play a vital role on our high streets and deserve the same protection and support. We must ensure that all retail workers, including those in independent stores, feel safe and protected. Let’s not leave them behind.”

Owner of Freshfields Market in Croydon, Ben Selvaratnam, added: “As an Independent store owner, I’ve witnessed firsthand the significant rise in retail crime, which has become an almost daily challenge for us. We face between three to ten theft attempts daily, which not only strains our finances but also impact the wellbeing of our staff and the overall community atmosphere. This legislation is a much-needed step in the right direction. The rise in assaults and abuse towards retail workers is alarming and unacceptable. For small, independent retailers such as myself, the lack of adequate protection and response from authorities has been a persistent issue. Implementing standalone laws to make assaulting retail workers a crime will hopefully serve as a strong deterrent and provide the necessary legal framework to ensure offenders are appropriately penalised.”

Ben recently appeared on the Convenience Store Breaking the Back of Rising Retail Crime webinar about the impact of crime on his business. Register and watch here.

Co-op director of campaign and public affairs Paul Gerrard, also welcomed the announcement following extensive campaigning of the issue by the Co-op.

“Today’s news marks a seismic shift in the crackdown on retail crime, and will send a clear and powerful message to those who think it is acceptable to attack, assault or abuse shopworkers that, put quite simply, the law does not accept this behaviour and, it will now make it easier and much more straightforward for the authorities to investigate and prosecute - which means all shopworkers will be safer.

“We know it will make a difference, because in Scotland - where they have had the standalone offence since 2021 - we see 60% of incidents of violence and abuse towards shopworkers (that are reported to the police) resulting in arrest, while in England and Wales, without that standalone offence, the figure is just 10%. The news today comes as we also champion the co-operative model and demonstrate how it gives member-owners a real voice - we say ‘Owned By You, Right By You’ and today’s development, along with our partnership approach with numerous Forces, shows that co-operation can provide a solution to many of the challenges we face in society today,”