A retailer has been forced to set up a gofundme after suffering £25,000 in damages during a riot in Liverpool on Saturday evening.

Ardalan Othman, owner of King Store on Country Road, Walton, has lost thousands after his store was looted and left in ruins.

Now, in a desperate bid to rebuild his store, he has launched a fundraiser to help rebuild his store and keep his staff employed. 

Speaking to Convenience Store, he said: “I’ve been attacked during the riots on Saturday night. They have broke the front shop glass, got inside the store, smashed the shop and stolen everything. They took the till, vapes, cigarettes, drinks, CCTV TV and they have broken everything.

“Me and my staff feel very very terrible. It’s going to cost me more than £25,000 to rebuild and open to the local community and serve people like normal.”

Ardalan shared his harrowing footage from Saturday night with Convenience Store.

King Store was among two stores riot-damaged on Saturday night in Walton.

Find out what help is available for retailers affected by riots.
