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Food waste pioneers Too Good To Go has released its Food Waste Gap Report, which reveals the scale of the challenge presented by food waste in the UK.

Based on comprehensive research involving over 400 industry professionals and 1,000 UK consumers, the report explores the disconnect between growing awareness and effective action in addressing food waste.

The awareness of food waste has risen, it reveals, and also details how businesses have increased their prioritisation of food waste in the past five years. Howevger, despite this, just over a third (34%) of businesses believe they are managing it effectively – meaning there is still a gap between business intentions and effective action. Many feel that they currently lack the right resources to effectively manage their food waste (24%), others cite concerns around costs (28%) and operational disruption (28%).

Sophie Trueman, country director for UK&I at Too Good To Go, said: Our findings underscore the urgent need for industry leaders to collaborate and share insights to bridge the gap between awareness and effective action in combating food waste and its environmental impact. We’re committed to supporting these efforts by offering scalable solutions that can help businesses manage food waste more effectively. We believe that by working together, we can make real strides in reducing food waste.”