Retailers with multiple sites are now able to apply for the codes they will need to comply with upcoming tobacco Track and Trace regulations.

The regulations require retailers to have an Economic Operator Identifier Code and a Facility Identifier Code in order to purchase compliant cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco products from 20 May 2019.

Retailers who operate from a single site will not be able to apply for their codes until Tuesday 30 April. The application process for multi-site retailers opened on Tuesday 23 April.

Bestway Wholesale has revealed that more than 2,000 of its customers have signed up for support via its website, which offers to obtain the relevant codes on behalf of retailers.

The intention of the Track and Trace regulations is to ensure legitimate tobacco products can be tracked through the supply chain, and that only retailers who have registered for codes for their business can purchase legitimate tobacco.

Retailers operating multiple sites can apply for their Economic Operator Identifier Code here:

The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has launched new guidance to help retailers comply with the regulations: