
The Welsh Government has published a consultation on proposals to introduce HFSS regulations in Wales, with the intention of rules coming into force in 2025.

Published today, the draft regulations outline how the Welsh Government intends to restrict the promotion and location of HFSS products in stores.

The proposals are consistent with those already in place in England, which apply as follows:

• For retailers with more than 50 employees: Restrictions on the promotions of multibuys (for example 3 for 2) and additional volume (for example 50% extra free) of HFSS products

• For retailers with more than 50 employees and relevant floor space over 2000 sq ft: Restrictions on the placement of HFSS products at the end of aisles, within 2m of checkouts and queueing areas, and near the entrance of a store (dependent on store size)

The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has welcomed the Welsh government’s intention to introduce HFSS rules, ensuring that there are minimal issues for retailers and suppliers that operate in both nations.

“The Scottish Government remains an outlier in their proposals, which are more restrictive than in England or Wales. We would like to see consistency across the UK to avoid confusion for retailers and customers,” explains ACS chief executive James Lowman.

Alongside the consultation on HFSS restrictions, the Welsh Government has also released a call for evidence on the sale of energy drinks. The ACS will be responding to the call for evidence in due course.

Find the ACS’s Assured Advice guide on HFSS restrictions as they apply in England here. Also, find guidance for retailers on the sale of energy drinks here.
