All Dear Jac articles – Page 18
Dear Jac
How do you feel about notifying the police?
It isn’t that easy and the response often isn’t good.
Dear Jac
This dragged on…and on…and on…for years
Then it got sorted very swiftly via the press office.
Dear Jac
Some people will go that extra mile to con you
Watch out for this triple dose of men behaving very badly.
Dear Jac
Three more for the price of one but in a good way
Some quick pointers from someone who is keen to share.
Dear Jac
An overrated deal
Pankaj Gupta rang complaining that he was receiving hefty demands from Cardtronics for rates on his ATM at Gian Supermarket in Newcastle.
Dear Jac
There’s no happy ending yet in this media screens tale
Here’s another update on those retailers stuck with long leases and big bills for no in-store ads
Dear Jac
Now the local parade has a Best-one and a Best-two
This was a fascia swap too far for this retailer
Dear Jac
Was this a contract?
“I do hope that there is someone who shares my experience of debt recovery for the news/mags delivery service,” writes Subhash Varambhia from Snutch News in Leicester, “if so I am willing to pay for the advice/support.”
Dear Jac
There was a bright side to offset the daily angst
A day out with suppliers was just the ticket.
Dear Jac
What’s your most perishable line? Answer: the news
It goes off quicker than bread so some prioritising is in order.
Dear Jac
Was it a balls-up or a cunning con? Rating: no stars
The media screens business model was a box-office flop.
Dear Jac
In a jam…again
A Bristol retailer, who has asked to remain anonymous, got in touch from his Costcutter while waiting for a NoteMachine engineer to show up and fix his ATM.
Dear Jac
Do you have screens with ads on them?
And are you now stuck with paying £299 per month for a different deal?
Dear Jac
Is it a storm in a coffee cup or a new opportunity?
An enforced supplier switch is going to be a pain, so choose carefully.
Dear Jac
If you preach data security, you need to live up to it
There are better ways to transport sensitive info, Elavon.
Dear Jac
A waiting game
Nisa retailer Pommie Singh, who runs Pommie’s Supermarket in Coventry, rang to say that he had asked Camelot for a black bag back in May to return his unsold Scratchcards.
Dear Jac
Why would he agree to debit card costs going up?
No retailer would sign up for that, but he got tricked into it.
Dear Jac
This retailer wanted to get a few issues off his chest
Be warned, the following contains some robust language