Latest Crime & Security insight and analysis – Page 57

  • Features and analysis

    Crime: Roundup - October 3 2008


    A store owner was stabbed in the arm after grappling with a knife-wielding robber at his store in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. The raider escaped with all the notes from the till at Jitu Patel’s Supamac store. But despite losing blood, Jitu...

  • News

    Co-op joins the war against knife crime


    The Heart of England Co-op has made a stand against knife crime by removing all kitchen knives from sale at its 33 food stores. The society has also enforced a strict Challenge 25 policy for knife sales at its eight non-food stores. Heart of England...

  • News

    Smuggling to rise in crime spree ahead


    The trade in illegally imported goods such as cigarettes is set to rise as a result of the economic slowdown, a leaked Home Office letter to the prime minister has revealed.  Rates of alcohol, tobacco and fuel smuggling are forecast to leap as...

  • Features and analysis

    Attackers strike as police ignore call


    A brutal attack on a 60-year-old shop assistant could have been avoided if police had been quicker to respond to a call for help, a Birmingham retailer has claimed. Nadeem Sajad contacted police and asked them to move on a large group of disorderly...

  • News



    A retailer in Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, stood up to a violent shoplifter who racially abused him. Saki Ghafoor, who runs a Nisa store in Bensham, sprang into action when he saw thief Tracy Forster on CCTV stealing four cans of lager. Violence...

  • Features and analysis

    Shoplifters to say sorry for stealing


    Retailers are to receive apologies from youths who have stolen from their stores or committed a crime against them.

  • Features and analysis

    A stand against knife crime


    An East London retailer has handed his entire stock of 300 lock knives to police in a stand against knife crime.

  • Dear Jac

    Get your forms in good order


    Chris Blakey, who runs the Paper Shop in Halifax, West Yorkshire, wanted to update the forms for his large home delivery service.

  • Features and analysis

    CCTV failing to cut crime


    There are more than 4.5 million of them in the UK, but CCTV cameras are failing to cut crime, a senior police officer has claimed.

  • Features and analysis

    Police to harass yobs


    Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has pledged to turn the tables on youths who engage in antisocial behaviour and has instructed police to harass them in their homes.

  • Features and analysis

    Police to breathalyse young drinkers


    Underage drinkers in an Essex town are to be breath-tested by police as part of a crackdown on anti-social behaviour.

  • News

    Criminals prime kids with forged notes


    Money launderers in London are sending 12-year-olds into stores with fake £20 notes.

  • News

    Police home in on young drinkers


    A police crackdown over the February half-term break resulted in the confiscation of more than 44,000 pints of alcohol from underage drinkers.

  • Dear Jac

    DIY not for you? Specialist help is always available


    If anyone thinks that the DIY approach to licensing is all a bit much, I would advise them to contact Chris Mitchener, a freelance licensing specialist.

  • News

    Crime watch


    Losses from retail crime are their highest for 10 years. How do our C-Store Champions cope with it?

  • News

    Scottish crime falls


    Crime rates in cities across Scotland have fallen by a fifth since the reintroduction of bobbies on the beat.

  • Dear Jac

    How do you sum up the worth of an accountant?


    It has been said that a good accountant will ask, how much profit do you want to make? 'Cooking the books' tax-dodge jokes aside, an accountant can be an invaluable business tool.

  • News

    Big issues for 2008 - Crime


    Frustrated retailers demand a tougher stance on crime

  • News

    Festive crime wave ahead


    Retailers should be bracing themselves for a surge in crime as new research by Checkpoint Systems predicts that £431.2m-worth of stock will be stolen in the run up to Christmas.

  • Features and analysis

    Crackdown sees 727 shoplifters arrested


    A successful radio link scheme in the Sunderland area has helped police to arrest 727 shoplifters in just five months.