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I can safely say it’s business as usual for politicians, now the election is over and my healthy scepticism was reinforced after having heard the queen’s speech introducing the conservative manifesto. There is nothing about localism, a very bold statement from the previous administration. The reincarnation of the true blue brigade as of now after the last hybrid version has not shown their true colours either of capitalism in facilitating the hard working people of Britain” a favourite phrase by all the parties. I am of course referring to the retailer community in this instance.
I wish ACS all the best and will have my support in pushing the agenda in spite of little or no progress in the previous years with major challenges on local rates , town centre support by way of car parks and injecting investment, not to mention misguided tobacco legislation. I believe in the free market but the government has also the duty to support and keep check on the excesses of local councils and the banking sector.

My message to all parties concerned who are associated with us the retailers including the government is that you can’t hide behind free market and we do not get involved in local commercial dispute(Pay Point in question) when the community services like Pay Point is dumped on us at our expense by a monopoly. It deserves a political hearing for sure.
We are only asking for a level playing field, not any special dispensation.

Arjan Mehr Londis Bracknell

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