All articles by David Rees – Page 37

  • News

    Range initiatives to drive Premier


    Booker is putting consumer-driven ranging at the heart of a relaunch of the Premier symbol group.

  • Opinion

    Rate of change is too slow


    Talking to retailers at the recent Convenience Retailing Show (CRS)  makes me confident that for most neighbourhood stores, things aren't too bad at the moment.

  • News

    Landmark aims to crack Easter


    Independent retailers can capitalise on the multiples' limited opening hours over Easter.

  • Opinion

    Change is in the air


    There is a welcome shift in attitudes to the proposed ban on tobacco display.

  • Opinion

    in my view


    In Britain the weather is always a major topic of conversation, and so true to form the recent bursts of heavy snowfall have been a real talking point in the trade.

  • Opinion

    In my view: David Rees


    Would anybody like a job? No, I’m not resigning, I’m asking because apparently Tesco has 10,000 new vacancies to fill and Asda has 7,000 more.

  • News

    The Lords test


    If you want to keep your tobacco gantry, all is not lost - but you need to tell your MP how you feel

  • Opinion

    in my view


    The tragedy that unfolded at Fairfield Post Office, where young Craig Hodson-Walker was murdered on January 9, is a frightening example of how vulnerable neighbourhood stores can be.

  • Opinion

    in my view


    So there you have it. It's not peer group pressure that starts young people smoking, not parents, not irresponsible adults...

  • Product News

    "Joke" tobacco consultation slammed


    The government’s consultation on tobacco control has come under renewed attack after it emerged that the majority of responses came from taxpayer-funded health bodies.

  • Opinion

    In my view: Politics does make a difference


    Politics is not everybody's cup of tea, but you have to admit it makes a big difference to our businesses and our lives.

  • News

    Government defends changes to planning


    A senior government minister has said that the removal of the 'need' test from planning policy guidelines will make it easier for local councils to block new supermarket developments.

  • Opinion

    in my view: restrict quantity not price


    As befits a debate about excessive alcohol, a lot of nonsense is currently being spoken

  • Opinion

    In my view - 31 October 2008


    Who is really looking after shoppers these days? The big supermarkets are quick to claim it is them, of course, hence all their publicity about slashing prices for consumers.

  • News

    Tobacco's black hole


    Campaigners from all sides agree that more must be done to tackle the illicit supply of tobacco

  • Opinion

    In my view - 17 October 2008


    When times are tough, who can you rely on? The government? The police? Your local bank? Oh dear. You can see where I’m coming from on this one.

  • Opinion

    in my view


    Traditionally, retailers have had an opportunity to prosper at times of inflation, as margins could be protected or even boosted as prices rose and consumers expected them to carry on rising. But this time round it’s more tricky. Raw material and...

  • News

    Reading, writing and retailing


    From 2010, students will be able to learn about retailing in school, but store owners need to act quickly to reap the full benefit

  • Opinion

    in my view


    That’s us on the front cover of C-Store. I know we’re a mean-looking bunch, but these are serious times.

  • News

    Council helps PO to re-open


    An Essex post office shut down in the latest closure round has re-opened with the backing of the local council.