Country Choice Euros inspired pizzas

With the European football championships now in full swing, Country Choice customers can get a slice of the action with two tasty new Euros-themed Flatstone Pizza Co. grab-and-go pizzas - the English Hog Roast Pizza and Scottish Haggis Pizza.

Each pizza is made using the same hand-stretched Flatstone Pizza Co. base, which retailers can then customise with a variety of toppings to create the “perfect pizza for football fans”.

The English Hog Roast Pizza is topped with BBQ pulled pork, sage and onion stuffing, Bramley apple sauce, triple cheese, red onions, oregano and gravy, whilst the Scottish Haggis Pizza features traditional meat haggis (vegetarian haggis is also available), triple cheese, red onions and oregano.

After baking, Country Choice recommends cutting the pizzas in half and placing them in a Flatstone Pizza Co. branded grab & go box before transferring them to a hot holding cabinet. The RRP for each half pizza is £5.

To help retailers promote the Euros-themed pizzas, Country Choice is providing free, eye-catching shelf edge labels, with magic 88’s, that allow them to apply their own pricing with ease.

The 11” pizza base, and all the other ingredients, including sauces, herbs, and cheeses, along with the specially created Euros pizza toppings, can be sourced directly from Country Choice.