Turkish food producer Sera Foods is collaborating with world food specialist Surya Foods to bring more than 100 of its skus to the UK.

Sera Foods x Surya Foods

Sera’s range includes traditional Turkish olives, jams, pickles, canned vegetables, nuts, pulses, dried fruit, pastes, sauces, spreads, spices, confectionery, molasses, tahini and ready meals.

Product rrps can also range from 59p for a 750ml bottle of lemon dressing to £3.49 for a 800g pack of green olives.

Commenting on the partnership, Harry Dulai, md at Surya Foods, said: “We are excited to bring this diverse and exotic brand to a UK audience.Sera produces a wealth of healthy, Mediterranean staples like olives and pickled vegetables, as well as traditional, indulgent Turkish treats like Halva.

”It is a fantastic brand through which to explore Turkey’s rich culinary landscape. We expect it to be popular with both the UK’s Turkish population and foodies keen to emulate authentic Turkish fare.”

