Bedworth Co-op

The £2.2m Bedworth Co-op was opened in November 2022 and was the Heart of England Co-op’s 37th food store.

Newly released figures reveal that the Heart of England Co-operative Society saw a healthy increase in sales during the festive period, notching up its record trading day outside the pandemic on Christmas Eve.

The group reported a total sales rise of 6.83% from December 19-24, compared to the same period last year.

The Co-operative at Ryton registered a 12.51% increase, the highest of all the Society’s 37 convenience stores.

Across the food division as a whole, the week ending on Dec 24 was the busiest with the tills ringing up more than £2m.

Steve Browne, general manager of the food division which operates across Coventry, Warwickshire, Northamptonshire and south Leicestershire, said the results were paricularly impressive given the economic climate. “We’re experiencing some of the most challenging trading conditions we’ve ever faced, so it is encouraging to see how well our food stores performed over the festive period,” he said.

“With Christmas Day falling on a Sunday, our members and customers had the full week to shop with us during the run-up. Remarkably our food stores did as well as some larger rival supermarkets. As usual we traded heaviest on December 23 and 24. Our stores also collected a good amount of money for Coventry and Warwickshire MIND, our nominated corporate charity.”

The figures also show hungry shoppers snapped up 26,314 packets of mince pies in the six days up to Chistmas, making the festive treats the most popular food product sold by the Heart of England Co-op.

The next top four best-selling items were Co-op fresh double cream (19,214 sales), Co-op mashed potato packs (15,012) Terry’s Chocolate Orange Balls (13,871) and Cadbury Mini Snow Balls (10,773).

During the same period customers spent £13,488 on Prosecco, £19,042 on vodka and £14,875 on gin. They also bought 5,000 packets of nuts provided by a local supplier and took home 650 poinsettia plants.

 Ali Kurji, Heart of England Co-op’s chief executive, said he was heartened by the results and praised the efforts of staff. “Our colleagues are key to our success,” he said. “We closed again this year for two days to allow them a well earned rest. Unlike some other retailers in our sector, this is something we have done historically and not just since the pandemic.

“We’re proud to have earned an excellent reputation for the way we look after our people. The cost-of-living support package we recently introduced for them was featured in the press and on BBC TV.

“Because of the cost-of-living crisis we have also increased our already generous customer rewards from two to three per cent until March. It will give many thousands of shoppers an even bigger return on what they spend with us.”