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The Labour Party has unveiled its manifesto for the election on 4 July which includes a planned overhaul of the business rates system.

Focusing on business, the party plans to cap corporation tax at 25% for the entire parliament; retain permanent full expensing for capital investment and the annual investment allowance for small business, and replace business rates in England with a revenue neutral system that “levels the playing field between online and high streets”.

On crime, the party wants to introduce a new Neighbourhood Policing Guarantee including the recruitment of thousands of new officers and follow up on the creation of a new specific offence for assaults on shopworkers that will protect them from threats and violence which was halted due to the election announcement.

It also wants to introduce a generational ban on purchasing tobacco products as well as ban vapes from being branded and advertised to appeal to children and create a ban on selling high caffeine energy drinks to under 16s.

From a staffing point of view, Labour wants to remove the age bands for the National Living Wage and have the Low Pay Commission focus on the cost of living when deciding on a new rate.