
Colleagues at A.F. Blakemore & Son Ltd, the food retail, wholesale and distribution company based in the Midlands and Wales, have chosen the UK’s leading end of life charity, Marie Curie, to be the official charity partner across its whole business for the first time.

A.F. Blakemore owns 248 Spar stores and is the largest Spar wholesaler in England and Wales. The new company-wide partnership aims to raise £250,000 throughout their Spar stores, logistics warehouses, Philpotts stores and their head office support services team.

Colleagues across the business will take on several fundraising activities including Marie Curie’s Blooming Great Tea Party in July, ‘Scare to Show you Care’ in October and the SPARkle Christmas campaign, as well as promoting Marie Curie’s annual flagship fundraiser, March’s Great Daffodil Appeal. A.F. Blakemore has supported Marie Curie for seven years, through joint fundraising activities with Spar UK. Since 2017 the partnership has raised over £3.4 million.

Caoire Blakemore, A.F. Blakemore’s responsible business director, said: “I’m delighted that our colleagues chose to raise funds for Marie Curie, their vision of ensuring everyone gets the best possible care and support at the end of life is a cause we look forward to championing. This is the first time the whole business has been committed to raising money for Marie Curie, and our colleagues are really excited about the plans we have to kick off the partnership.”