
The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) has announced it is to give a free online webinar for retailers discussing the upcoming single use vape ban.

The webinar is aiming to help businesses understand the forthcoming legislation, including the ban on products classed as single use vapes.

The CTSI says the course will ensure businesses understand the products they can continue selling after 1 June, and which must be removed from sale. It will also cover the actions businesses will be expected to take at the point of the ban and its requirements once in place.

The webinars will be run by the CTSI’s lead officers for vaping, David Hunt, Marsha Bell and Kate Pike, and are to be held on 28 February and 19 March. The one-hour session will explain the basics of what a single use vape is, how the market is changing and give detail on the new style products being introduced because of the new legislation.

It will also cover other legislation in the pipeline and what may happen. Although it will be focused on English businesses, the type of products which are no longer allowed to be sold will be the same across all four nations and the only differences will be in the penalties imposed.

Attendees will also learn how these products should be treated regarding the waste electrical equipment regulations, and the responsibility of businesses selling products caught under the regulations. They will also discover what to check for when looking to stock these new products to ensure all stock is compliant and that business due diligence is retained.

To book a place on the course, click here.